Tuesday, July 08, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 26}

{Day 176}
Chevy delivered this beautiful 2015 Tahoe for me to test drive for the week!

{Day 177}
I'm sure all the toys at the doctor's office are totally germy, but it sure make my life a whole lot easier especially when we had two appointments in one day. 

{Day 178}
We had such a fun morning at Monster Yogurt for Grant's birthday party.  Such a neat place, we can't wait to go back. 
{Day 179}
Pearson stayed up way past his bedtime at my Uncle's wedding in Fredericksburg.  When we asked him where he gets all of his energy, he quickly responded, "at target"!
{Day 180}
We stopped to visit the Bears in Waco on our way home from Fredericksburg.  They were hiding in the cave, but Pearson got to see them through the little window.  
{Day 181}
I sorted through all of our pictures over the weekend and found this gem.  I love my little family so much.  
{Day 182}

Tuesdays are therapy days for Nash.  He does so well and our therapist says that each week she is seeing improvement.  While the stretches are a pain in the neck (pun intended) at least I know they are paying off.  

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