Sunday, July 27, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 29}

{Day 197}
Cousin picnic on our new picnic table that I still need to paint!!

{Day 198}
This teething babe doesn't like going to bed at night so he got to hang out with us while we watched Big Brother. 

{Day 199}
The Polar Vortex brought us some nice cool weather. We enjoyed going on a walk in mid-July and not sweating like crazy!

{Day 200}
Pearson is constantly smothering Nash, but clearly Nash doesn't mind. 

{Day 201}
Pearson got his finger smashed in the door and was milking it for all it was worth. 

{Day 202}
Daddy was at softball so I hung out with these crazy kids by myself tonight.  Teething babe and a disobedient 3 yr old don't make a good combo, but I love 'em!

{Day 203}
Little Man was helping me trying to catch up on the blog which seems like it's taking forever.  I hate being behind. 

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