Monday, August 25, 2014

that time i kinda quit blogging…...

My blog has been quite the bore lately.

For about a month it's just been bare bones around here…….
meal planning, #thelinkhomeeveryday2014, and Pearson & Nash's monthly posts.  

I have sat down a million times to try to catch up but it just hasn't happened.  I like to stay on top of my blog and stay up to date.  My blog is my version of scrapbooking our life so I get overwhelmed when I get behind.  I still have about 10 posts in my drafts and I hope to get to them up eventually but for now, I'm moving on.  I'm pretending like I am all caught up!!

So to give you a quick update as to what has been keeping me from blogging,
 I though I would give you…...

The Top 10 Reasons Why I Haven't Blogged

1.  Matt was sick for a full two weeks and I did the single mom thing.  Wow……talk about exhausting!!    
2.  While Matt was sick, I kinda sorta got addicted to watching Pretty Little Liars.  I was sooooo exhausted at the end of each day that I just plopped myself on the couch and watched an episode before heading to bed.
3.  Speaking of television……during the summer, Matt and I like to watch Big Brother.  That means three nights a week I get sucked into the couch to watch TV.
4.  Pearson has turned into a "Three-nager".  He has been giving me the biggest fits and has also decided he is too cool for naps.  I still make him rest in his bed, but for some reason I find it hard to do much when he's not actually asleep.
5.  Nash has decided he hates sleep.  He has a hard time going to bed, he wakes up multiple times in the night most nights, and has decided that wake-up time is now in the 5 o'clock hour. {yawn}
{pause……I hear Nash waking up from his nap}

Alrighty……add 45 minute naps to the list of crappy sleeping habits Nash is developing.

6. Because my children now hate sleep which makes me plum exhausted, I fill my down time with mindless activities such as Candy Crush.  Soooooooo stinking addicting, but such a time suck.
7. I've got too much going on…….between church activities,  MOPS stuff, being on a special committee for  church, playdates with friends, and Dallas Moms Blog stuff……we stay really busy!!  Maybe a little too busy. I need to start saying NO to some things.
8.  Almost all summer long we had two standing appointment.  Every Tuesday we had therapy for Nash and every Thursday we had a helmet appointment.  When you have two kids, it just takes one outing a day to really wear you out.
9.  When I could find some free time and I wasn't to exhausted, I did some couponing.  I managed to completely stock Nash up on Size 3 diapers and I got a good start to his Size 4 collection.  I also bought  enough baby food to last him for all of his baby food eatin' days.  Best part….I got it all for practically FREE!! I hope he likes Plum Organics!!
{This is just a fraction of what I got!!}
10.  I've been feeling like my blog isn't good enough.  It seems like so many blogs out there have perfect pictures with perfect writing,  a clever title with the perfect little pinnable image with text written on it.  I don't take perfect pictures, my writing isn't great at all and I don't have time to put text on all of my pictures so they are perfect for pinning.  I have to remind myself why I blog.  It's not to have hundreds of followers or really even to impress anybody.  I blog to record my family's memories so I need to just be me on my blog.
So there ya have it……the top 10 reason why I haven't blogged!

School starts on next Tuesday for Pearson and I'm really looking forward to getting back on a schedule.  Hopefully things will slow down a little for us!!


  1. Thanks for your honesty! I feel you on soo many of these, and I feel like blogging is such a huge hurdle with two kids. I always enjoy reading yours though! :)

  2. Even though we see each other often and talk almost everyday, I've missed the blog. You'll be so glad you did it just for the record of your family events.

  3. Katy, you are doing great! I had to remind myself of the same with my blog. I'm doing it for me and not for others even though we do love your regular post. Pearson and Nash have an attentive loving mamma which is for more valuable than cute blog posts.
