Wednesday, August 13, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 30}

{Day 204}
Checking out "big boy" books for the first time at the library!
{Day 205}
Vanity Fair Blogger event with some lovely Dallas Moms Blog ladies!!
{Day 206}
First Friday of the month is always my favorite day because it means date night with this guy! Plus I don't have to cook!!

{Day 207}
Love these sweet brothers so much!
{Day 208}
Enjoying a relaxing evening on the couch watching America Ninja Warriors……our new favorite show!
{Day 209}
After a stressful evening, a crummy new recipe for dinner then Daddy having to leave for softball, a fro-yo date with my boys was just what I needed. 
{Day 210}
Enjoying the crazy cool weather we have been having.  

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