Wednesday, August 13, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 32}

{Day 218}
Nash has decided he hates sleeping all the sudden.  We've gone from sleeping 11-12 hours to 7 hours.  I'm soooooooo tired. 
{Day 219}
Chick-fil-A breakfast date with my favorite 3 year old. 
{Day 220}
Brothers and books and bedtime!!
{Day 221}
Pearson and his buddies at our ABF Swim Party. 
{Day 222}
Headed to church with my little boysies.  Daddy is still sick. 
{Day 223}
Who knew that wrestling between the boys would start so soon?
{Day 224}
I am loving having a new Wal-Mart right outside our neighborhood and Pearson is loving the cookies from the bakery!

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