Monday, September 01, 2014

labor day 2014

The past two years Pearson school has started the day after Labor Day, so Labor day does truly mark the end of summer and the beginning of fall for us.  I am beyond excited about school starting. I love my sweet boy but I am ready for some routine with our two days of school a week!!

We spent our last day of summer sleeping in and staying in bed (as best as we could with a babe that wakes up in the 5 o'clock), then we ran a few errands and ate lunch out.  After nap time we headed to my parents house for a delicious BBQ dinner.  My Dad smoked ribs and sausage on his new Big Green Egg that he got for Father's Day.
Nash loves Nonnie!!
It's been so fun having a baby that will smile so easily.  Pearson was such a serious little dude.  We could barely crack a smile out of him.  Nash is quite the opposite.  If you just look at him, he will smile!
 Nash favorite place to be is in his Johnny Jumper so we brought it over so he could get some "exercise".  Lolly & Pops doors are a little too high put a box underneath it so he could reach the ground!!
 Why is it that food at your parent's house always taste so much better than at your own house.  I just love going to my parent's house for dinner.  
Every single thing on our plate was absolutely delicious. I stuffed myself silly.  Good thing I can still eat a few extra calories a day since I'm nursing!!
 Even Pearson ate every single bite off of his plate.  
 I love these little munchkins and I'm glad we got to spend our last day of summer with all of my family.  
Happy Labor Day!!

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