Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Once again…….I've been avoiding blogging.  

No real excuses like last time other than it's just kinda been stressing me out lately.  Blogging has never stressed me out, but for some reason it has lately.  I usually just throw some words and pictures up on a post each night, but lately I have just felt like that isn't good enough.  So many people are blogging to make money these days and I have just never  felt like mine is good enough for that.  I get overwhelmed by the fact that I'm just not a good writer or photographer, so nothing I could put on here would be good enough for anyone to even read and share.  So silly…..I know!!

But once again, I remembered……I'm not blogging for YOU! Sorry!!
This is a record of my little family's life and all the fun we have together.  
Who cares if I ever make a dime on this blog or ever have over 200 readers??
While that would be awesome to make money by doing something I love doing, I'm not going to let it stress me out and shut me down.  

Don't get me wrong! I love to share ideas that are awesome, recipes that a yummy, activities that are fun, etc, but that is not my priority.  My priority is to document my family.  I could just kick myself for missing the last few months of Nash's life.  I have so many blogposts from when Pearson was a baby and the amount that I have for Nash doesn't even care.  I do have a picture of the day for him everyday on Instagram but I'm definitely lacking in good quality camera photos and blog post.  I will catch up and fill in the missing pieces……..someday. 

But for now, I'm going to start with sharing Nash's dedication from this past Sunday.

Stay tuned….  


  1. Completely get this! And, yep, second kids just get less documentation. BUT, for good reason - I have twice as much love to pour out each day and less than half as much time/energy to document it. Priorities! (Plus having a 3 yr old just sucks the life outta ya some days!) ;)

  2. i always stick to the saying "blog for yourself." don't think about what anyone else would think. all that to say. i love your blog!! keep it up if you can!

  3. I'm right there with you! It's for our own documentation not for others. Although, I do enjoy reading your blog and seeing pictures of your adorable boys! =)

  4. I love your sweet blog! Who cares if it 'sells'? Your precious family is enough to keep folks reading. :) And I love keeping up with college friends through blogs.

  5. I'm glad you are back. Even though I usually know what's going on in your life, I still like seeing it in pictures. Plus, I like the way you put more pictures and less writing!
