Wednesday, October 22, 2014

my handsome THREE year old

This summer I had all intentions of taking some three year old pictures of Pearson like did when he was one and two, but it just didn't happen.  We stayed busy with lots of things this summer but that's not the real reason why we didn't take pictures.   If we being totally honest, the day Pearson turned three, he turned into a THREENANGER.  

Have you heard of that before?  

It's a three year old with an attitude like a teenager.  Oh my!!!  For the majority of his life we have had way more good days than bad days, but over the past few months the bad days have definitely been more plentiful.  Thankfully we have gotten ourselves back into a napping routine (he gave it up for about a month) and he's turning back into the sweet little boy we all know and love.  We definitely still have our moments, but gosh we love this handsome three year old so much!  He is so incredibly smart and keeps us laughing all the time.  He's curious, has a great imagination, loves to play, and is a good friend to anyone he meets. 

We had school pictures yesterday, so I took the opportunity to snap a couple of pictures myself before I dropped him off.  He is soooooo not into taking pictures these days, so I'm pretty sure there is no way the school will be able to top these pictures.  They are pretty darn cute if I do say so myself!!!
 No more "MAMARAZZI"!!!
Pearson, we are so proud of the big boy that you are growing up to be.  We can't wait to see how God uses your smart little self.  We love you!!!


  1. My grandson is a handsome little guy! These pictures are so good. Love the ones with his hand in his pocket!

  2. The hand in his pocket is too cute! He looks like a little man :)
