Wednesday, November 12, 2014

halloween 2014

We had so much fun on Halloween this year.  Pearson really understood trick or treating and had a lot of doing it.  We starting our evening by driving across town to visit my grandma.  Oma loves to see the kids in their costumes and Joe loves to gives lots of candy to us!!
 My parents side of the neighborhood always has tons of trick or treaters so it's fun to trick or treat there.  
 Lolly & Pops and Shasta just camp out on the front porch because it's non-stop trick or treaters once it starts.  
 I'm already brainstorming our costumes next year.  I just love a good ole family costume theme!!
Yep, it's not easy trying to take four kids pictures.  Nobody is looking at the camera!!
 Annual Halloween picture with the grandkids!!
 We trick or treated with our friends, The Raneys.  Pearson and Brynn had a blast together and we enjoyed having some friends to chat with.  
 It was actually really nice that they had each other because we didn't have to ever walk up to the doors with them.  Mr. and Mrs. Independent!!
 Early on in the evening I told Pearson to hold Brynn's hand.  He insisted that he hold her had the entire night.  She didn't mind one bit.  They were too cute!!
 We also made a stop at Nonnie's house! 
 After three streets of trick or treating, these little guys were starting to get cold and fussy.  They weren't too impressed!!  Next year we'll probably be chasing them down the side walks!!
Hope you all had a fun filled Halloween!!

And we can't forget about the best part of Halloween…..


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