Monday, December 29, 2014

The Magic of Christmas

Santa was good to our two sweet boys this year! 
They were both super excited for their new toys!!

Pearson got just what he wanted….a new bike.  He had been asking for a bike for along time!!
Nash loves opening doors so I knew this was the perfect present for him! 
Pearson had to talk him into crawling through the door, but once he figured it out he really loved doing it!
Pearson was so cute as he was opening up his stocking. He was SO excited about every little thing.  
Nash loves to steal our phones or remotes so that's just what we filled his stocking up with……his own little collection of phones and remotes!!
He was a pretty happy boy for his 1st Christmas!!  He loved everything about it!!
A while back Pearson said, "I don't have no gloves.  I just have two hands!" I knew a little set of gloves would be perfect for his stocking!
Last year we started doing just three gifts for each other…..because that's how many gifts Jesus got.  I really love that we do that because it makes shopping easier.  It's so easy to buy for your own kids but once I get three gifts I have to cut myself off.  
When we open gift we start with the youngest and open one gift at a time.  I like opening the gifts slow like that so we can all see what everyone gets.  Pearson was our helper this year.  He helped everyone open their gift this year. 
Nash was mainly interested in the paper!!
He was pretty happy to take a little ride on his new dino!!
Every year Christmas just get more and more fun!
These crazy boys loved their new rides. 
Before we headed out to my parents house for breakfast, Pearson had to give his new bike a test drive.  He mainly just walked around with it because he hasn't figured out how to glide on it yet.  He thought it was awesome though!! I can't wait until he really learns how to ride it.  
Merry Christmas from our family!!
Hope you all had a wonderful morning with your family celebrating the birth of our King!!

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