Wednesday, August 20, 2014

#thelinkhomeeveryday2014 {week 33}

{Day 225}
Scrubba dub dub chubby baby in the tub!!
{Day 226}
And this is why I'm not bother with homemade baby food for Nash……40 pouches and 8 Gerber containers for about $9. 
{Day 227}
So proud of himself for putting the alphabet together!!
{Day 228}
Watching the storm roll in. 
{Day 229}
We are SO off schedule with Nash's new wake up time of 5am so I had to nurse right during the sermon on Sunday.  Thank goodness for a cosy nursing room and the sermon on the TV. 
{Day 230}
Pearson had a fun morning playing with Brynn.  I'm so excited they are going to be in the same preschool class this year!
{Day 231}
I have been meaning to read this book for almost a year now.  I am so not a reader but I want to be.  Forcing myself to sit down and read this one. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love the picture of that sweet Nash and his precious roly poly chubbiness!
