Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 resolutions recap

WOW! I can't believe that 2014 is coming to end.  
This year has absolutely flown by.  I'm sure a lot of that has to do with the fact that we had a baby this year.  Time seems to fly by when you have little ones.  As this year comes to a close, I want to take a minute to reflect on my "resolutions" from last year.  I set the bar pretty low because I didn't know what life would be like with two kids.  I'm pretty proud of my self for accomplishing most of my goals!!

1. Find a way to make a little extra money again after Nash arrives.
**I was actually offered a little part time job in January with a start date of April.  I decided to turn it down because I was not sure I would be able to make time for it since it was a work at home job.  I am so glad I turned it down because shortly after I turned it down Nash started therapy, got his helmet and then went through a 2 month span on sleeping awful.  There is no way I would have been able to handle it.  So officially I didn't really find a steady way to make extra money, however I had earned a little extra cash this year other ways.  I participated in some research studies and got some cash back from Ebates, Ibotta (If you join I'd love for you to use the referral code "gip5q") & Snap!!

2. Organize/clean out my computer, iPad & iPhone.
*Still working on this one.  It's still a big mess, however I have been backing up my computer regularly which is a good thing!!

3. Find a system to keep mail, paper and coupons organized and not pile up. 
*I bought some new wall hanging baskets that have really helped with paper not piling up.  I also started using some accordion files to keep my coupons organized.  There is still an occasional paper pile but for the most part I definitely have a system going.

4. Memorize one simple scripture a month as a family.
*We didn't intentionally do this, but Pearson and I listen to our Seeds Family Worship CD's all the time in the car.  We can sing LOTS of scripture.  I would love to intentional do this this year. 

5. Lose all my baby weight and get back into the gym.
*I lost all my baby weight but didn't get back in the gym.  I think I worked out a total of 5 times this year! Ha! I definitely need to get my booty back into gear this year!!

6. Wake up earlier and actually get some things done before Pearson and Nash wake-up. 
*This one definitely didn't happen.  Two kids is exhausting and I came to the realization that in just less that 2 years I will be getting up early every day to take Pearson to school.  So for now, I'm going to enjoy "sleeping in".  Plus, Nash wakes up around 6:30, so I just refuse to wake up earlier than that.  Oh and anytime I get ambitious and decide to set my alarm to wake up at 6am to get some stuff done, one of the kids inevitably wakes up at 6:05, so it's pointless!!

7. Take a picture a day.
**Follow along on Instagram @katylink #thelinkhomeeveryday2014
*Check! I finally completed a picture a day challenge!!

8. Take a picture a day of Nash for his first year of life.
**Follow along on Instagram @katylink #thedailynash
*Still going strong!!

9.  Plan intentional activities to do with Pearson during Nash's morning nap.
*I wouldn't say I did planned activities with him, but I did have intentional time with him.  I always try to sit down on floor and play legos with him, read books with him or play games.  It's good for both of us to have some good quality time together. 

10. Continue once a month date nights with my sweetie!!
*Check! Thanks to our church's Parent's Night Out for only $18, we have been able to continue this!!

Stay tuned for my 2015 goals!!

1 comment:

  1. Just received a check for $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much you can earn by taking paid surveys online...

    So I took a video of myself getting paid $500 for doing paid surveys to set the record straight once and for all.
