Saturday, January 03, 2015

Happy Flu Year

Oh 2015…….

I am not liking you very much right now.   We aren't really getting off to the best start.  I had high hopes of spending my New Year's Eve and New Years Day catching up on the blog once and for all, but I went to bed on NYE feeling pretty crummy.  Then, I woke up feeling like death and pretty sure I had the flu, but our doctor's office wasn't open so I had to suffer through it.  Plus, Matt wasn't home all day because he went to the Cotton Bowl…..which they lost in the last minute.  Like I said, we aren't off to the best start.

I got my official flu diagnosis on Friday morning.
Then to make things worse, shortly after Matt took Nash to the doctor and he was also diagnosed with the flu.  Poor baby.
We are all four on Tamiflu and hopefully on the mend.  I'm finally feeling better today, but still so congested and really weak and tired.  As I am feeling better, I'm going to try to finish catching up on my 2014 posts.  One of my New Year's Resolutions (which will be posted at a later date) is to keep this little ole blog up to date!! I'm so tired of being so behind. 

Hopefully 2015 can only go up from here!!


  1. Ugh!! So not fun at all! Glad you're starting to feel better.

  2. It really stinks that 2015 started off so crummy for you all. But look at this way, it can surely only get better from here. Praying for 2015 to get better and end fantastic!
