Monday, January 05, 2015

new year's day :: take 2

Most of you are a few days into your New Year, but I declared today, January 5th New Years Day for me!! The first 4 days of 2015 were a wash since I had the flu so I'm starting fresh today!! Nash and I are on the mend and feeling much better.  We just need this dang congestion to go away!!

I just love the start of a new year! I'm not one to make huge life changing resolutions, but I do like to set a few goals for myself.  I especially need some goals this year as I have felt kind of lazy this year.  Sometimes I feel like the only thing I did last year was feed three hungry boys three meals a day and keep two kids alive!!  While I know that's huge……I would like to accomplish some other things in my life this year!!

Here are my goals for this year……

1.  Catch up on the blog AND stay up to date! 

2.  Date my husband!  Go on monthly date nights using Parent's Night Out at Church as well as some intentional time together after the boys go to bed.  

3.  Unload the dishwasher and get a load of laundry started first thing in the morning! And to add to that I want to put all the dishes in the dishwasher right away after I use them and fold the laundry immediately after I pull them out of the dryer!

4.  Read ONE book! Yep, you read that right.  Just ONE.  It's been an embarrassingly long time since I've actually read a book other than a children's book to my boys.  

5.  Grow my nails out again and maybe even polish them every now and then!

6.  Organize/Clean-Out my computer, iPad & iPhone. 

7.  Work out at home 2 days a weeks.  Yep, you read that one right too!  Just TWO.  Trying to be realistic this year!!

8.  Stick to our budget. Spend less. Save more.  Always ask myself, "Do we NEED this?" before I make a purchase.

9. Memorize scripture together as a family!

10. Have one craft day and one outing day planned a week! 

So there you have it…….my 2015 goals!! Looks like I have a busy year ahead of me!!

What do you hope to accomplish in 2015??


  1. Good realistic goals.

  2. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I like your goals! They're very realistic... I finally got our goals posted today, but now reading yours I worry mine are less realistic! LOL

  3. I hear you on needing to read a book. I used to LOVE reading - especially as a kid. Once I started teaching, I started reading less and less, and now that I have Audrey I don't think I've read an adult book since she was born. Reading isn't mindless to me. Once Audrey goes to bed, I want to do something mindless!
