Thursday, January 08, 2015

#thelinkhomeeveryday2015 {week 1}

Last year I successfully took a picture everyday!!  I've tried a few time but never been successful.  I posted all of the pictures on Instagram (@katylink) with the hashtag #thelinkhomeeveryday2014.  I started out the year posting them weekly on my blog as well, but when life got crazy and I kinda quit blogging, I got really behind.  I tried to catch last week but somewhere in the middle my numbers got all messed up and I can't figure out which pictures go with which week.  This year I plan to stay caught up on the blog and make sure I stay on the right number so there is no confusion!!

If you want to follow along on Instagram, the hashtag this year is #thelinkhomeeveryday2015!!

{Day 1}
Thankful for a little boy who will play Candyland by himself since I woke up New Year's day feeling like death. 

{Day 2}
Officially diagnosed with the flu. 

{Day 3}
Nash and I are recovering from the flu while Daddy and Pearson go on a chilly bike ride. 

{Day 4}
What a stressful game! So glad the Cowboys won the playoff game!

{Day 5}
Having fun with our Christmas present from Ethan……a stomp rocket!!

{Day 6}
This big boy had his last night in his crib. 

{Day 7}
Brrrr… was way to cold and windy for us to get out today.  Shoulda thought twice about getting out, but our free pizza for Ashley's birthday was worth it!!

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