Thursday, January 15, 2015

#thelinkhomeeveryday2015 {week 2}

{Day 8}
The best smiles are the ones where your eyes disappear!
{Day 9}
Date night with my handsome man at Geisha! So good!!

{Day 10}
The boys actually let us "sleep in" a little bit on Saturday!!

{Day 11}
I moved this piece of furniture into the living room from Pearson's room to give him a little more play space in his room.  I think I'm really going to enjoy the toy storage in our living room.  I should have done this a long time ago. 

{Day 12}
MOPS Mondays are our favorite.  It's always so refreshing to hang out with other moms for 3 hrs without kids!!

{Day 13}
Black beans and avocados always equal bathe night!!

{Day 14}
We earned this bundt cake after dealing massive fit by Pearson.  Whew!!

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