Tuesday, March 24, 2015

my little sunshines

I am loving this spring weather with my little sunshines.  We have gone to the park or gone on a walk every day that it has been pretty.  In the past week we have gone to The Firefighter's Park, The Pirate Park, Murphy Central Park, and the park behind our house.
Pearson's favorite park is most definitely The Firefighter's Park right now.  I'm sure next week it will be a different one.
Nash is a fan of any park that has swings, As am I, because it makes my life a little easier to have one kid "locked up".
Nash is so chill when he swings.  He just crosses his little hands and soaks in the sunshine.
Sometimes he is so chill it looks like he could just fall asleep.  
 Lolly, Ashley and Oliva even joined us one day.   
 This spring is going to be crazy since Nash will be walking around soon.  He is getting closer and closer to walking every day so I am savoring these sweet moments of him just sitting because it won't be long until he is running around the park chasing his big brother and wanting to do whatever he is doing.
I can make a promise to you, if it's a pretty day this spring…...you'll probably see us at the park.

 What is your favorite park around town?
We'd love to try some new parks out this spring!


  1. I know the boys are loving their trips to the park. Their Grammy is enjoying this beautiful sunshine today. ☀️

  2. We went to our neighborhood park yesterday and the firefighters park today! There is a park on Park by an elementary school that has a little lake with a trail around it we like to go too and feed the ducks, and scooter around the lake!:)
