Friday, June 19, 2015

Nash's 1st Haircut

Nash had his first haircut on June 19th.  It didn't quite go as I had thought it would.  Nash is my happy, go with the flow kid.  I thought he would just sit there, grin and take it.  Nope.  

It started out fine because he had a cookie in his hand, but it quickly went south when he realized what was happening.  
 He was not a happy camper.  He screamed bloody murder the whole time.  Thankfully he sat really still and Mr. James was able to trim up his hair just fine.  He was just loud!!
No sucker, no hugs, no cookie could stop him from screaming.  He was just not having it.  
 Once Mr. James was all done, the tears & screaming just turned right off.  
 I didn't get any before and after shots because there wasn't really much to see.  He mainly just needed to get his skunk tail in the front cut off.  Most of the time I think first haircuts makes babies look like boys, but not this time.  He still looks like my little baby to me!!

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