Sunday, June 28, 2015

our first guests

Technically our first guests were my parents and Matt's parents, but our first friend guests were The Hares.  We were co-directors of our Sunday school for the past 3 years and they are good friends of our from our small group.  We were so excited to have them come visit us! And they happen to come on a super fun weekend!!

We started off the weekend with a trip to FBC South for their Fireworks, Food, Fun & Family Event.  Their campus is really huge (and beautiful) so we parked really far away and took a trailer ride to the party!
 It was scorching hot, but Pearson enjoyed bouncing on all the inflatables.  
 We had some Taco's from a Taco Truck then played on the church playground for a little while.  Next year, we will remember not to get there quite so early.  We had a lot of time to kill before the firework show.  Good thing we had the Hares and Reinhardts with us to keep us company!
Nash was SOOOOOOOO sleepy by the time the fireworks started.  He didn't hate them, but he didn't really act like he loved them.  He was really too tired to care.  
 Pearson really enjoyed the firework show.  It was a really long one and it was pretty good too!
A fun night was definitely had by all.  We will most definitely be going back next year.  

Saturday morning, I made a breakfast casserole.  We slowly got around then we hopped in the car and drove them all around Tyler.  We were trying to show them all the reasons we think they should move to Tyler!  For lunch we landed at none other than Stanley's Barbecue.  If you come visit us in Tyler, we will take you to Stanley's for sure! It's the best BBQ we have ever had.  We will never get tired of it.  
 For dinner, we grilled up some Margarita chicken then went to Andy's for dessert.  
Pearson requested to sit in-between "Jim & Timmy"
 Jenny & Tim are pros at refinishing furniture, so we stopped at Lowe's and picked up some stuff to start working on refinishing my coffee table.  I even got myself my very first power tool!!
 A real friends does the dirty work that really stinks with you.  So thankful Jenny helped me get my project started!
 Sunday morning we went to Green Acres Baptist Church for their annual "I Love America" production.  It was really great!!  Next year we will bring Pearson to it.  It was full of lots of great music, a parade, a light show and even some fireworks.  
 The boys squeezed in a little more play time while Jenny walked me through a few more steps on finishing my coffee table.  It was such a fun weekend with the Hares and a much needed break from the heaviness of stuff going on in all of our lives.  
And a few days later I finally finished my coffee table.  I forgot to put the insert back in the drawer, but you get the idea of what it looks like.  So much better than the boring light wood. 

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