Tuesday, July 21, 2015

story time @ panera bread

Our new house is close to a Panera Bread.  Like really really close…….it's dangerous.  
I have discovered their cinnamon crunch scones and I am too embarrassed to admit how many times I have gone and picked one up!!

Another great thing about our Panera Bread is that they do a story time in the summer on Mondays at 10am.  It's a perfect time for us because we can zip up to Panera and be back by 10:30 for Nash to squeeze in a morning nap. 
It's put on by the Tyler Librarian so the lady that comes is really great! She picks out really great stories to read and has the best voice to listen too! She also sings few songs with them too.  
While the stories are great, I can guarantee you that my boys favorite part is this…...
Yes, milk and cookies at Storytime.  It really doesn't get any better than that!!
It's a perfect time for us because we can zip up to Panera and be back by 10:30 for Nash to squeeze in a morning nap.
 I know we are all going to be sad when this story time is over in September.  
 I guess we will have to drive across town to the actually library for story time, but it will be such a bummer because they don't have milk and cookies!!

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