Friday, July 17, 2015


I have worked VBS the past 3 years so Pearson and Nash could come with me.  I was sad that I wouldn't be at our church to work so our boys could go to VBS.  And with all that has been going on with Dad, I wasn't about to volunteer at a church just so the boys could go.   After chatting with a friend one day, she informed me that a church here in Tyler will take 4 year olds without parents volunteering.  Score!! I signed Pearson up for his first VBS!!

Pearson seriously had the best week of his life! He loved every minute of VBS.  
They had the church completely decorated in the Everest theme.  All week Pearson kept asking when he was going to go to the real Mt. Everest.  
 The kids heard bible stories each day, sang awesome songs (which we are still singing because we have the CD), learned about missionaries, gave to lots of different things throughout the week, and learned more about God.  He really loved it!!
He got to be in a class with his buddy Wade.  They had the best time together.  At the end of the week they got a t-shirt and we had a family picnic.  It was a great way to end a great week! We already have our calendar marked for next year's VBS.  

1 comment:

  1. With all that has been going on I am so glad that Pearson got to got to VBS! Looked like he had a good time,
