Monday, August 17, 2015

May Catch-Up

As I have said here before, this summer has been crazy.  I already knew it was going to be a crazy summer with our big move to Tyler, but Dad's car accident and stroke really threw things for a loop.  I just haven't felt like blogging this summer.  I am just now feeling up to sharing about what's going on and catching up on my poor little neglected blog.

Here's what we have been up to in the month of May.
**These post are all back dated to the actual dates so you'll have to click on the links or scroll really far to get to them!!

Going Away Party

Last Small Group

Kickin' Up Some Fun

Mother's Day

See Ya Later Sachse
Check back later this week to read all about our June.
I am determined to get all caught up by the time the boys start school.
Including finally blogging some super cute bluebonnet pictures I took of the boys in April and Nash's first birthday party way back in February!

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