Thursday, September 24, 2015

fire station #9

Wednesday morning we had our first MOPS playdate.  A group of 15-20 moms and twice as many kids all met up at the Tyler Fire Station #9.  
Pearson has seen a fire truck up close and personal a few times, but this was Nash's first experience.  
 He was mesmerized by everything in the fire station!!
 A few times while the firefighter was talking and showing us stuff, Nash would yell out, "Woooooowwwww!"
 The fireman that showed us around did an excellent job of showing us all the details of the truck.  Some of it was definitely over the preschoolers heads, but I really enjoyed all the info he had to share.  When I taught Kindergarten, we always had a fireman come and talk to our kids, but we never got a "tour" of the truck.  So this info was all new to me!
 Some of the littles ones weren't so interested in the talk and just turned the back of the firetruck into a drum! A very expensive drum.  Did you know firetrucks cost at $650,000?? 
The fireman told us that a firetruck is basically a big tool box.  They have all sorts of tools all over the truck.  It was neat to see it all.  
 Here Nash is again, totally mesmerized by it all. 
 After the tour of the truck, the fireman put on all of his gear.  
 I kind of felt sorry for him having to put it all on because it sure looked hot, but I'm thankful he did because it was really good for the kids to see what a firefighter looks like totally dressed up.  
 He talked to the kids about safe places to go if their house ever caught on fire and he reminded him that he might look scary, but he wasn't a scary person at all.  Firefighters are here to help us!!
 Before we headed out, all the kids got to walk through the firetruck.  This made Pearson's day.  In fact, he thought it was so fun that he did it twice!
Nash got a little distracted while walking through and the fireman had to scoot him out!!  I'm sure there was way too much stuff that he could have gotten into in there!!
 What a fun morning exploring the fire station and firetruck with our MOPS group!!

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