Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Who's Coming to Dinner??

I'm linking up today with Andrea for her Show and Tell Tuesday.  
I thought her prompt today was kinda fun!!

If I could have five people over for dinner at my house who would I invite??
My list is quite random, but they are all people that I just really love!! They are all girls, so this would definitely be an EPIC girls night!!

First, I would invite Taylor Swift.  Taylor would be the entertainment of the night.  She would put on a mini concert for us and it would be awesome!!
Next up, and probably the most important for a dinner party would be, Ree Drummond (aka The Pioneer Woman).  I would have her come over early so she could help me prepare something yummy for dinner!!
It also wouldn't be a diner party with some decorations, so I would call up Joanna Gaines, from Fixer Upper to help me decorate for the party and also we could talk all about what we could do my new house that needs some desperate decorating!!
Ellen DeGeneres would be next up on my list.  We definitely don't see eye to eye on quite a bit of things, but we have to all admit that she is HILARIOUS!!! For the first 3 years of my Stay at Home Mom career, I watched her show religiously.  I haven't watched it in about a year and I miss it!!  Not only is she hilarious, but she is kind and generous too.  I know that she would make us all laugh at my dinner party, but also inspire us to be kind to one another and give to those in need. 
And last on my list, but definitely not least would be Angie Smith.  I have followed her for quite a few years now.  Her testimony is amazing.  She is such a strong believer with a beautiful heart.  I have heard her speak at a conference and she is so funny and so real.  Maybe she and I could share Jesus with Ellen!! Wouldn't that be awesome??
So there you have it.  
This would definitely be a fun girl's night!!!

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