Monday, October 26, 2015

Happy Birthday Pops!

We went to Dallas this weekend celebrated my Dad's 59th birthday!!
Four months ago, right after my Dad's stroke, we honestly didn't know if we would be celebrating this day.  He has come so far since his stroke.  For years and years and years, my Dad has always told me how proud he is of me, but I today, it's my turn to say how proud I am of him.  He has worked so hard to get to where he is now and he is not stopping yet.  He is determined to had a full recovery.  

The last time our entire family was together (other than in the waiting room after he had his stroke) was back in May for Mother's Day.  It had been way to long since we had all been together.  It was nice to feel like a normal family again.
Happy Birthday Daddy/Pops!! We love you!!

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