Saturday, October 17, 2015

official soccer mom

I guess I am officially a soccer mom.  Pearson just finished his 1st soccer season and is already asking to play again next season.  I'm so glad he loves it.  I took lots of pictures on his  very last game.

We always get to the games early.  I just love watching Matt play with Pearson.  I always stay home with Nash when Pearson has practice so soccer is Pearson and Daddy's thing.  I love watching them do it together!
He really got the hang of dribbling the ball this season.   
This smile.  This is why I love watching him play!!  
I'm not sure how much long we'll be able to keep Nash in the stroller for Pearson's games.  He wants to be out there playing so bad.  
Most games I would give him snacks the whole first half then let him play on my iPad the second half.  It kept him in the stroller the whole game so I didn't have to chase him around.  
One of the things I love about Upwards soccer is the way its totally focused on Christ.  Praying before the games is such sweet little sight.  
Sometimes sitting on the bench meant watching the game intently.  
Other times it meant being silly with your friends!!
The very last game actually got rained out, but we still had his trophy ceremony and party. It was actually really fun.  They got to run through a tunnel, have their name called out, and get their trophy in from of a big crowd.  Afterwards all the parents chipped in a threw a little party for the kiddos.  We had Chick-fil-A nuggets, grapes, apples, cheese sticks, & cupcakes.
 Pearson with his first trophy.  He was SO excited about it!!
And here's our little soccer star!
Great season Rowdies!!


  1. Loved getting to see Pearson play. Brought back good memories of Matt playing at that age and his daddy coaching him.

  2. How sweet!! What a fun thing for him + Matt to do together! Soon you'll have two boys running around out there! You make a great soccer mom! :)
