Wednesday, October 07, 2015

scarf swap

My bloggie friend Rachel from Floral & Fudge hosted a fun little scarf swap this month and I decided to join in.  Rachel and I connected through our blogs a few years ago and I'm not even really sure how.  It's been fun to follow each other because we were pregnant with our 2nd boys around the same time and our big boys are about the same age too!!  She has done a much better job of keeping up with her blog AND two little boys.  Maybe someday I can get my act together and put together more blog posts and bring my blog back to life!!

When I got a package in the mail last week with Rachel's name on the return address.  I knew it was sure to be something super cute. She has great style and is so sweet and thoughtful in all she does.
 Not only did she sent me TWO scarfs, she also sent little pictures colored by her boys to my boys and the sweetest card. 
 Both of my scarfs were from Old Navy! I am going to have to go there because these were great and obviously they must be a great price if she sent me two!!  The first was a tan color with some black birds with yellow and orange detail.
 I just wore it with a black top, skinny jeans, and black booties, but when it gets color I will definitely be adding a coral or mustard cardigan to match the little details of the scarf.  
The other scarf Rachel sent me was a fun Springy looking scarf.  For some reason I never by pink stuff, but every time I wear pink I always get compliments.  I guess I need to wear it more often.  This is the perfect scarf to add to my collection since it has lots of pink in it!
I paired it with a cream top, skinny jeans and brown booties.  
I am no fashion blogger and definitely not a model so these pictures aren't great of me.  But my husband did do a great job taking the pictures!! 

I had so much fun getting some happy mail through this scarf swap.  I sent my scarf to Cathy in California! You'll have to check out her blog to see the scarf I sent her!!

Thanks for stopping by! 
You can always follow along on Instagram too!


  1. I'm popping over from Rachel's blog...
    Ahhhh! Those are fantastic patterns! I think the pink floral is my favorite, though. It will be great for spring and summer evenings, too. Awesome swap :)

  2. Katy, it is so fun to see you wearing the two scarves!
    (Yes I got a great deal--both within the price range :)
    The pink one looks so pretty on you!
