Saturday, April 02, 2016

Soccer Saturdays

This Saturday was the start of Pearson's 2nd soccer season.  For the next 6 Saturdays you'll find us on the fields cheering on our boy!
Not only will I be cheering on Pearson, but I'll be cheering on my husband too.  Matt is Pearson coach this season!!
**And isn't soccer season in East Texas gorgeous?  I just love all the trees here in East Texas!!!
These sweet kiddos are their "bubbas" number one fans.
 They don't keep score in our league, but we technically lost 3-6.  However, Pearson scored all 3 goals!!  We are so proud of him. I was able to catch one of his goals on camera!

Of course, a soccer game wouldn't be complete without a snack.  It's so funny how excited the kids gets for a little snack after the game.  They play hard, so I know they are hungry afterwards.
 I am also so proud of Matt for the way he coached these sweet kiddos.  He was so patient with them.  In fact, a few parents even commented to me how patient he was with them.  It's not an easy job coaching 4 year old soccer, but he totally rocked it!
 We are looking forward to a fun season with the Monkeys!!!
Go Monkeys!!!

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