Wednesday, July 14, 2010


A few weeks ago I took my nephew's two year old pictures. He is just the cutest little boy ever and he is such a happy kid so I thought it would be easy to take his pictures.  Especially since he loves his Aunt Katy!!  I was able to snap a few good pictures when we first started, but then he definitely started showing us he was a true two year old. He did not want to cooperate, smile or look at the camera, and he just wanted to run around and do his own thing.  When we finally gave him a pair of his daddy's boots and Ashley started tickling me with a feather duster, that is when we started to get some great shots.
I have even more of Carson's 2 year old pictures, but I'm going to wait and share them on his birthday!!


  1. These pics are sooo cute. Great job Katy. I know it was fun working with such an adorable subject!

  2. These are WONDERFUL! SO cute!!! Love it!

  3. oh my gosh, CUTE pictures!! :)
