Thursday, November 13, 2008

"ketchup": part 1

If you would have asked me last November 14th if I thought I would be married by this November I would have said, "No way." My life has changed so much in the past year, and it has been so neat to see the Lord's hand in it all.

Let me take you way far back to last November, right around this time last year. (haha....not to far back, huh?) I had been searching for a church all summer long and just couldn't seem to find my place in a church. While I was at the doctor's office, I had conversation with my doctor (who is a wonderful Christian lady) about trying to find a church that had a good Young Singles class. She told me to go to Prestonwood because that is where she met her husband. Of course, I went there!!! But I didn't find my husband, and I didn't really like the class I was going to. So after I had been going for a while my friend, Cinnamon and decided to try a different class. We instantly felt connected. We joined a class called Catalyst in mid-November where we meet some really great girls.
Cinnamon, Tara, and Lindsey

All the Catalyst girls

My prayer had been that I would find fellowship, and I most certainly did. The Lord totally blew me away with his faithfulness. After meeting so many great girls, for the first time in my life I felt like I could say that I was truly content with being single. Everyone always told me the right guy would come along when you least expected it. I wasn't expecting anything to happen. I was so content with how my life was going

And that is when I Matt.
On Saturday, December 1st Catalyst was supposed to go to Holiday in the Park at Six Flags. There was a chance of bad weather so we ended up not going. We all just hung out at our class leader's house. And that is where Matt and I were first introduced to each other. We hung out that night and started to e-mail back and forth. He asked for my number and I got a phone call on Wednesday wanting to go on a date on Thursday. We went out on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday!! After that I knew there was something special about this guy. And then when he sent me flowers to school the following Tuesday I knew he was the one that I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

More to come....


  1. I'm on the edge of my seat...I want to hear the rest of the story! :)

    I'm so glad you have a blog now. I'm excited to keep up with you!

    We are so happy for you guys and are so sorry we weren't able to make it to the wedding. I'm sure it was beautiful and you look absolutely GORGEOUS in your wedding pictures!!

    Love you and miss you,

  2. glad you're doing this....i must admit that i'm curious and looking forward to hearing THE STORY....hehehe! love ya, partner!
