Monday, February 16, 2009

jason is an IDIOT

That is all I can say right now......

He is going to go down in history as the DUMBEST Bachelor ever.

I'll post more later, but I'm in shock right now.


  1. Katy,
    I am totally in shock too!
    I really liked Jillian and although I don't see as good of a connection with her and Jason as I see with Jason and Melissa - I can't believe he would keep Molly around. I guess he knows he wants to marry Melissa and thought Molly would take it better?? I just know he is going to pick Melissa. But, everytime I have watched this show they always pick the one I don't want them to so who knows - but I just hope it's Melissa. I really think she is great and they are so cute together. I think he really likes her because you can tell when they see each other or when he talks about her he just has that sparkle that he doesn't have with the other girls.

    ps...I wasn't too thrilled with the fact that he slept with all 3 of them - or any of them at all. Bad boy (and girls) - save it for the marriage bed buddy!!

    Anyway - sorry your girl got kicked off. I think she should be the next bachelorette!!!!


  2. OK, I can't say I am surprised. The conversation with Jillian just seemed awkward and you could tell he wasn't as in to her after their chat about being "best friends"... until they were in the fantasy suite and then he was REALLY in to her which was just awkward. They really shouldn't show us so much on tv! And I agree, Carissa, bad bad boy and girls!

    Anyways, I agree and think that he is going to pick Melissa. I am still a big fan of her and not so much of Molly. I feel like it is really forced with her.

    I am very interested to see what happens when Deanna comes back... I just like the drama. :-)

    I think Jillian would be a great candidate for the bachelorete! Great idea!

  3. I think he should have kicked Molly off...And showing all the steamy stuff! COME ON! I think him and Melissa have the connection for sure, but we shall see in two weeks!
