Sunday, March 15, 2009

spring break

This is me jumping for JOY because I don't have to go to school this week.  

I have to be honest....this year has not been so great.  I loved teaching last year.  I had a rough start, but I ended up with a dream class.  I knew at the end of the year, that my kids were really special kids, and that I probably wouldn't get so lucky to have 2 classes like them in a row.  I was right.  This year I put it nicely.....a class that most teachers pray they don't have.  Okay, maybe it's not that bad, but it's seriously driving me to the point where I don't love teaching like I used to.  

Thus the reason why I'm jumping for joy that I don't have to go to school this week.  

I don't have any super exciting plans, but I am actually excited to finish all the things I have planned to do.
  • Paint the office
  • Clean out closets
  • Make my blog pretty
  • Make lots of homemade cards
  • Finish my coupon box
  • Working out during the day
  • Shop
If you aren't working this week, enjoy your week off.  

Happy Spring Break!!

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