Tuesday, May 26, 2009

happy birthday ellie grace

Happy Birthday sweet girl!! Matty and I love you!!

Yesterday Matt and I hung out over at his sister's house to celebrate Ellie's 5th birthday! We had such a great time watching all the kids play at her Hello Kitty pool party.

I wanted to take my camera too play with so bad, but I don't have a case for it yet, so I was scared to bring it. And I wasn't sure that I wanted my camera's first outing to be a pool party.

I think I'm being a little paranoid, but I really don't want to mess this camera up. (I don't have the greatest record of keeping cameras in good shape. I wear them out pretty quick!)

After the party, all the family stayed for a traditional Memorial Day cook out. Hamburgers!! Yum, Yum!!

Seriously....who doesn't cook out on Memorial Day??

Hope you enjoyed your day off!!

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