Thursday, May 21, 2009

i was tagged....

8 things I am looking forward to...
- The three day weekend
- Buying my DSLR camera this weekend
- June 4th....Last Day of School
- July 2nd....Last Day of Summer School
- Hanging out at the lake
- Learning how to digital scrapbok
- My house being totally decorated
- Starting a family (someday)

8 things I did yesterday...
- Worked out
- Did 3 loads of laundry
- Made/cooked/ate Chicken Poppyseed Casserole
- Watched the American Idol Finale
- Worked on stuff for next year at school
- Bought some shorts at Wal-Mart
- Blogged on my blog and my Sunday School blog
- Stayed at school until 4:30 (which is an extremely rare occasion)

8 things I wish I could do...
- Digital Scrapbook
- Make up recipes
- Eat and love eating only healthy food
- Teach a kickboxing class at a gym
- Keep my house clean and spotless with minimal effort
- Be a part-time wedding co-ordinator at my church
- Learn how to use my new camera fast
- Sew just like Mom

8 shows I watch...
- Biggest Loser
- American Idol
- Dancing with the stars
- Amazing Race
- Grey's
- Private Practice
- The Bachelorette/The Bachelor
- So You Think You Can Dance

8 people I tag...
- Brittany S
- Erin C
- Kristin F
- Ashley S
- Christie C
- Jodi C
- Carissa V
- Amber R


  1. Ahhh which DSLR are you getting???? Kyle bought the Nikon D60 for me in January and I loooooove it! It suddenly becomes easy to be a good photographer when you have a great camera. :-)

  2. I"m getting a Canon Rebel XS. I am so excited!!

    I went back and forth on whether to get a Canon or Rebel. I hear great things about both.

    But my sister in law has had a Canon Rebel and has now moved on to bigger and better Canons. She takes fabulous pictures, so I felt like I would be able get good help from her especially if I got a camera that she is familiar with.

    But from what I hear, Canons and Nikons are so similar. I might be coming to you for questions!!

  3. And I watch The Office, but let not count how many shows I watch. I promise I have a life outside of TV. We have a DVR so I watch them really quick and NEVER live.
