Tuesday, May 05, 2009

so blessed

After fighting a sore throat, cough and congestion for a whole week, I woke up Sunday morning and realized it was time to go to the doctor. I took a sick day yesterday, but I didn't have sub plans, so I had to run up to the school. I got to the school and I had not just one, not two, but three co-workers offer to help me get things together for my kids.

I am so blessed.

I found out I had strep throat, not the flu or even the swine flu.

I am so blessed.

I pretty much felt like crap on Monday. My throat was killing me, my head felt like it was going to explode, and my body was aching all over. All I wanted to do was come home and crash. My sister in law text messaged me to see if I needed some food or a Sonic drink or anything. Then my Mom stopped by and brought me and Matt some dinner.

I am so blessed.

I stopped by the pharmacy to get my prescription, but it wasn't ready. So my husband stopped by the store on his way home from work to pick it up. When it wasn't there he went to a different pharmacy to get it, just to find out that it was at the original pharmacy. So basically he drove all over town to get my medicine. And he didn't complain one bit.

I am so blessed.

I warmed up our dinner, we ate and then I started to clean it up. My sweet husband told me to not worry about the dishes and go to bed and rest.

I am so blessed.

When I realized that I wasn't feeling well enough to go back to school, I called another Kinder teacher to tell her what my kids could do tomorrow. She told me not to worry about and that her and the other teachers would get my plans together for me.

I am so blessed.

As I was getting ready to go to bed, my husband grabbed some pillows and a blanket and told me he was going to sleep on the couch so I could get some good rest. (We had both not had a good nights sleep the night before. I was tossing and turning and apparently snoring, which kept both of us up.) So I curled up in our bed by myself and slept wonderfully.

I am so blessed.

I woke up this morning and definitely started feeling better. My Mom came over to visit with me and asked me if we wanted to eat dinner with them tonight. She didn't want me to have to think about cooking dinner tonight.

I am so blessed.

Seriously, I am so blessed. I have a wonderful husband, family and friends. I know that I can always count on them, especially when I'm not feeling so hot.

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