Tuesday, May 19, 2009

spell check

I was checking my student's journals today. One of my little boy's journal said....

"I wit to the dnist and I got a crayola."

Since I can read "Kindergarten", I knew that it said, "I went to the dentist and got a crayola."

I told the little boy that I used to love getting going to the dentist and getting a sticker or digging out of their bucket of goodies.

He looked at like I was crazy. He said, "No, Mrs. Link. It says, I went to the dentist and I got a crown."

Too cute!!! He looked at his crayons (pronounced as crowns, to him) and just copied it!!


  1. ok i created mine but is there a way to have it automatically added to the end of each post or do u have to manually copy and paste each time?? so cute!

  2. I posted directions on my original post!!

  3. Just happened to come across your blog. That story about your student is so cute. Crowns. Ha!

  4. I still say crowns...
