Saturday, June 27, 2009

what a weekend


That's all I have to say about this weekend. I didn't have one minute to sit down and blog about this weekend. I was on the go from the minute I got off work at noon until Sunday night when I went to bed.

Here's how our weekend went....

Lunch at Mom's.

Decided to have a garage sale.

Went to my school to get stuff I wanted to sell.

Cleaned out closet.

Quick lake trip with the Segrest Family.

Dinner at Goodfella's.


Garage Sale from 7:45-11:30.

Made $164.

Ran errands with the hubby.

Made $8 at Half Price books.

Ate lunch at Scotty P's.

Went to the pool with the hubby.

Went and got Sno-Cones. I got raspberry. Matt got Black Cherrry.

Watched Marly & Me and cried alot.

Finished watch Field of Dreams, which we had actually started last Sunday but never finished!!

Went to the lake with my whole family....including this CUTIE!!

Quick dinner.


Church @ The Heights.

Lunch with our ABF at Pei Wei.

Trip to Sherman.

Layed by the pool all afternoon.

Celebrated Matt's Mom's birthday with the family.

Drove Home.


Our weekend wasn't very restful, but it sure was fun to spend time with both of our family and friends. Hope you had a great weekend too!!

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