Sunday, August 02, 2009

go & be

Today our church did a really neat thing called "Go & Be: Engage Sunday." Our church went out in the community and served Christ by serving others in need. We got to BE the church rather than just going to church. It was a little odd going to Sunday morning church in our scrubby clothes and tennis shoes, but it was a very neat experience.
The bus that Matt and I were on went to a local elementary school to do some work. Most of the girls stayed in the building and worked on painting the teachers lounge. I worked on the mint green wall with a couple other sweet girls.
Check out Sarah using both ladders to paint the top of the wall!!

This was our whole group that worked on the freshening up the teachers lounge in less than 2 hours.
Most of the guys worked outside pulling out weeds, pulling up some steel beams and getting graffiti of of the playground equipment.

They also cleaned up their school garden and painted the picnic tables yellow.
It was a fun morning serving along side our ABF and others from our church body. It's amazing what 40 people can do in a couple of hours!!

1 comment:

  1. what an awesome concept!!! that's amazing. seems like you had a great time!!! how rewarding.
