Monday, August 03, 2009

kitchen CLOSED...

Why you ask??

Because my stove is no longer where it should be... sink and countertops are no longer there..... sink is actually in the garage..... stove is in the corner and unplugged..... refrigerator is pulled out into the middle of my kitchen..... island countertop is gone.....
......there are countertops in my living room.....
......everything that used to be on my countertops
and in the cabinets is now in the hall closet.....
.....all my pots and pans and drawers are in the study......
.....everything under my sink is now in boxes....

That's why my kitchen is CLOSED!!!

1 comment:

  1. we are getting new countertops next week. do you have to empty the cabinets too??? uhh i didnt even think about that part :(
