Saturday, August 15, 2009

and the bad dreams begin...

Well, I had my first bad dream about school last night.

I have such a hard time going to sleep the week before school starts. I go to bed thinking about how I should arrange my room, or how I should do my homework schedule, or things that I need to do in my classroom. It takes forever for me to fall asleep. And then once I fall asleep, I have the wildest dreams about school. I toss and turn all night long and really don't feel rested in the morning .

You would think that since I have two years of experience under my belt that I wouldn't be so nervous/anxious about the new school year. But I am. I am definitely going in more confident this year than I have in the past two years, but I definitely get nervous when I think about the first day of school. You just never know how it's going to play out.

So, would you say a pray that I would get some good sleep this next week so I can be ready for the first day of school on August 24th?


  1. I feel you Katy, I think everyone has bad dreams... or teachers, no matter how many years we have taught. My dreams have started and this year, they are SOO strange! Not sure what that means, but I feel your pain! Will pray that you have a restful week and an amazing year!

  2. I remember doing the same thing. I always said, I should have gotten 2 years experience credit that 1st year - one for day & one for night!

  3. Right there with you. No one but fellow teachers can really understand. My mind will not stop when I lie down to go to sleep. All these ideas are popping into my head in rapid succession. I am thinking did I do this and that and I need to get this and that done. You are already in my prayers everyday but now I can pray specifically.

  4. You are not the only one! I love summers because I don't wake up in a panic in the middle of the night!

  5. I will be praying for you, I remember that big time. I used to get the worst nightmares right about this time of year. I even had one the other night even though I am not teaching this year!

    You are a great teacher and are going to have a successful school year! :)

  6. Subbing for you last year, you are such an awesome, organized teacher..But I totally understand your pain, when I taught that one year! I will pray for u! I hope you have a fantastic K year!! I may end up subbing again, but I don't know yet...I will let you know if you, because I LOVE subbing for you!

  7. Katy, I am praying for you. This is so normal. It shows that you care. 11 years and I still have the nerves. You are welcome at my door anytime if you need it!
