Friday, September 25, 2009

the newlywed game

Our ABF at The Heights is called "The Honeymooners". We are a group of young newlyweds who have all been married for less than two years.

Tonight about 7 couples from our class got together to play "The Newlywed Game." Fitting, right?
The directors of our class hosted the get together. Tom emceed the game and Cheryl brought cute wedding decorations and this adorable cupcake cake.
It was so fun to hear other couples answers to their questions. We had quite a few laughs. Some of the funny questions the girls had to answer (and match w/ our husbands answer) were...

What is one meal that your wife thinks you like but you really don't?
What sport or game is your wife way better than you?
If your wife got a wig, what color would you want her to have?
How many children does your wife want to have and what will the name of the first girl be?

We got all but the 1st one right!!

And here are some of the questions that the guys had to answer (and match w/ our answers)......

What was the name of the last girl that your husband dated before you?
How many dates did you go on before you had your first kiss?
What was the worst meal that your ever made and ate together?
What wedding gift did you get that you absolutely hated?

We got the first 2 questions right out of those.

I was hoping for first place, but we didn't quite make it. We got 29 points and the winning team got 40 points. We ended up in 4th place out of the 7 couples. Even though we didn't win, we definitely had a good time hanging out with friends!!


  1. Awww, this was the first time in 3 years we didn't get to play. I miss the Honeymooners! I'm glad y'all had fun! :)

  2. I want to hear the answers!! The last SS class we were in plays the newlywed game as the February fellowship every year. David & I were in that class for about 7 years and always did pretty well.

  3. This sounds so fun! I need to play with my hubby!

  4. so glad to stumble across your blog! hope you feel better soon.
