Tuesday, September 08, 2009

tv starts this week!!

I'm so excited for TV to start back up again. I have a small addiction to quite a few shows.

This has been a recent development for since I rarely watched TV in college. The only show I ever watched in college was Grey's Anatomy. Since I graduated in 2007, my TV show list has grown tremendously. The only reason I have even have time to watch TV is because of our DVR. I love it!! I can tape shows all week and watch them whenever I have time. When I'm bored on the weekends. I usually have a show to watch!!

Here's some of the shows I'm looking forward to....

So You Think You Can Dance (starting TOMORROW!!)
Biggest Loser (starting September 15th)
The Office (starting September 17th)
Dancing with the Stars (starting September 21st)
Grey's Anatomy (starting September 24th)
Amazing Race (September 27th)
Private Practice (starting October 1st)

And I'm off to set the DVR right now!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on The Office and Dancing with the Stars!!! We bought season 5 of The Office the day it came out (yesterday), and we are counting the days!
