Saturday, October 24, 2009

baylor homecoming

My parents, Matt and I woke up really early today to drive down to Waco for Baylor Homecoming. Matt and my Mom both graduated from Baylor.
We arrived in Waco just in time for the parade.
The floats in the parade were pretty amazing. We stopped by the KOT (Matt's fraternity) float, and took a picture with it because it won first place. The theme for the float was "The Jungle Book."
While we were in Waco, I think we ran into almost all the Baylor people I know. It felt like such a small world. We saw some of our friends from church, Matt's old roommates, friends from our Sunday School class at our old church, and my friend I teach with.

Matt's roommate Jason and his wife Amber
Me and Tara, my friend from our old church

After the parade we dropped Matt off at the football game. I decided to skip out on that one. My parents and I went and ate at Fazoli's and stopped at all the local bookstores. I actually bought a Baylor shirt for myself. I thought since I was a bad wife and didn't sit through the Baylor game this week, that I would be a good wife and wear a Baylor shirt when we go to the game at Cowboy Stadium in a couple of weeks.

After driving all over town, all day long, we stopped at Ninfa's for dinner. We ended our day in Waco at Pigskin Revue. Pigskin was definitely my favorite part of the day!!

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