Thursday, November 19, 2009

is it really that great?

It's 30 minutes away from opening night of New Moon and I'm going to sleep. You couldn't pay me to go see a movie at midnight.

I know quite a few people who are at the theater seeing the movie right now. I just don't get it. Is it really that great? I read the first chapter of the first book, and just could not get into it. I saw the first movie and thought it was good, but going to see a midnight showing on a work night. Is it really worth it? I think I'll just wait until I can get it on Netflix.

I just don't really get the whole Twilight addiction.


  1. try to finish the first book, and you'll get it. i promise. i was totally skeptical too. i'm not into the movies though, just the books. :)

  2. I'm right there with ya.I don't get the obsession either. The only thing I want to do at midnight is sleep! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The beginning of the first book is slow...but they are really good books. New moon probably was not worth seeing at mid night, but it was good and if you can try and see it in theaters (it is so much better than the first one).

  5. The books are better than the movies (as usual), but the movies are more enjoyable if you've read the books. Try reading the books and then watching the movies. There's so much more plot and character development in the books that just can't be included in the movies. I went and saw the movie this afternoon (not a big crowd and no waiting in a long line). It was really good and I love the Twilight books, having read them all twice, but I'm just too old to go to a midnight movie. I'm in bed by 10 most every night.

  6. I refused to read them.... but the girls in the youth group talked me into it and I wanted to connect. So I did and I could not stop. I promise, read the first book and you are hooked. the movie does NOT COMPARE!!!!! She is a wonderful author!

    But NO midnight movie for me... I will see it... but 12 midnight is too late for me!

  7. I hated the first chapter too. Staci kept telling me to read it a couple summers ago and I finally did and was the same way, but kept reading. I love the first 3 books. I'm not a junkie, but it was fun to go to the midnight shows with my friend. It was fun to go do that together and make fun of all the little girls squealing.
