Monday, December 28, 2009

failing hard drive

Last night I tried to turn on my computer and all I got was a blank screen. I could not get it to turn on. I made an appointment with the Apple Store today and they had bad news for me......
My hard drive is failing and needs to be replaced.
Unfortunately I have nothing backed up on my computer. They guy at the Apple Store said there is a possibility that I can get all my data moved to an external hard drive. I bought an external hard drive today and I'll be working on doing that tomorrow. I really hope I can recover all my data. I would be sad to lose my music and documents, but I would be devastated to lose all my pictures. I'm really hoping I can at least recover my pictures tomorrow.
Moral to this story: Back up all your data on your computer right now.


  1. We are sadly experiencing something very very similar. Three years ago our desktop hard drive failed, and now it just got some new virus that won't allow Windows to open. So, we are wiping the entire thing clean and having to start from new. Luckily, we have a MacBook to backup pictures and music to, but we lose everything else. Total bummer!!!!

    Will you have to replace your computer??

  2. That happened to me when I was a junior at A&M. Lost all of my documents, pictures, etc. I learned my lesson and now back everything up to an external hard drive about once a month. My question is, what happens if the external goes bad? When do I need to replace it?

  3. That's terrible!!! I hope you get your pictures back!!
