Wednesday, January 13, 2010

blessing book

Each day, we are given the choice to either judge or value our spouse and their differences. When we choose to bless our spouse, we are choosing to value them. The word "bless" literally means to "add value to a person's life".

My parents did a Bible Study this past fall and were asked to start a "Blessing Book" as a part of their study. They loved doing it so much that my Mom put a "Blessing Book" in my stocking for Matt and I to do as well.

On our nightstand sits our little "Blessing Book."
On the inside of the book it reads......
"Write your spouse a blessing each day and leave this Blessing Book in a place where they will find it. It can be a simple thank you for something they have done, a quality you love or admire about them, a compliment, a private joke only the two of you understand, or even a favorite memory you share. Have fun!!"

I can not tell you how much we have enjoyed doing this. My husband does such a good job of verbally telling me how much he loves and appreciates me, but I love seeing it written. And I know that I will treasure having this book forever. I look forward to the days that I get to see what he writes to me and I know he feels the same way.
Our "Blessing Book" has already been such a blessing to us.

If you want to bless your spouse in this same way, just go grab a little notebook and get started today. I promise you that your marriage will be blessed because of it!!


  1. This is such a wonderful idea!

  2. Wow!! I love that idea and I am going to start one!

  3. We started writing in ours right after the new year. It's fun. Ryan is more of a verbal man so I really appreciate when he writes how he feels. It always makes me smile!

  4. That is such a neat idea. When you worte your resolutions you talked about it and I was hoping you would expand on it (so glad you did). I want to get one started. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I'm so glad ya'll (Ryan & Ashley too) are enjoying your blessing book. It just helps to keep you looking out for good/positive things in each other. We've been slacking a little on ours lately.

  6. That is so sweet. My husband would never do it :(

    Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

  7. I think it is so sweet too! I don't think my hubby would do it either though...:(

  8. LOVE this idea!! I think we might be starting this :)

  9. starting mine today :)
