Monday, January 04, 2010

meal planning monday

Monday: Chicken Spaghetti, Brocolli, & Rolls

Tuesday: Sweedish Meatballs, Rice, Steamed Squash, Rolls

Wednesday: Leftover Roast Carrots and Potatoes from Nonnie's

Thursday: Leftovers from Mom's House

Friday: Taco Soup & Tortilla Chip

Saturday Breakfast: Cinnamon Toast

Saturday Lunch: Sonic

Saturday Dinner: PW's Cowboy Calzones with marinara Sauce

Sunday Lunch: Lunch with Mom

Sunday Dinner: Homemade Tin Star Club Tacos


  1. omg.... you're going to love PW mashed potatoes (maybe you've made them before though).... they're not NEAR as hard as i thought they'd be and they tasted delicious. be fore-warned.... i halved the recipe and we were eating them for three days!! It makes A LOT!

  2. I love seeing your meals every week! I am trying several of your new recipes this month. Yum!

  3. I am going to try and keep up with your Meal planning mondays!!! I have even taken some of your recipes!! For Jan, I actaully sat down this past weekend and planned out the entire month! I hope I can stick to it and keep it up.
    On the other hand..I will be in Dallas Jan. 15-17 for Market with my mom. I don't know how far away things are but I would love to meet up for dinner one night if it would work. I hope so!!
