Tuesday, February 23, 2010

a day full of favorites

I had a doctor's appointment smack dab in the middle of the day, so I took the whole day off!!

I thoroughly enjoyed my day off!!

Here are all the things that made my day great....

Sleeping in until...

...my morning work-out with Jillian...
...Cinnamon Toast for Breakfast...
...a Chai Tea Latte on the way to the doctor...
....finding out that everything is okay with me at the doctor...
....lunch at Panera Bread...
....buying 4 dresses, 2 shirts, & a pair of shoes for less than $100 at Ross...

....shopping around at Target...

....getting a Diet Coke with Vanilla at Sonic's Happy Hour...

....and spending the evening with my sweet husband!!

When you pack all your favorite things into one day, you are bound to have a great day!!


  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I love reading your blog, Katy! I am glad you had a great day!
    -Shae Reid

  2. I want that day!

  3. I agree, great day! Especially about the doctor and shopping at Ross :)

  4. I am so glad everything worked out so well! It definitely looks like you had one AMAZING DAY:) and yay for new dresses at such a good price!
