Friday, February 12, 2010

our snowman

I felt like such a little kid when I got home from school yesterday. All my kids wrote in their journals that they wanted to build a snowman when they got home. That is exactly what I wanted to do too. I could hardly wait until Matt got home from work.

Here is our snowman we built together!!
Our snowman is sporting a short brimmed hat, Hershey Kisses eyes, a carrot noes, Hershey chocolate mouth, Snickers buttons, stick arms, red gloves, and a multi-colored scarf.
This morning our snow man was a little unrecognizable.
Izzie wasn't so sure about the stranger in our yard.
Our snowman will melt soon, but these memories will last forever.

1 comment:

  1. So fun Katy!!

    My brother and sis-in-law live in FW and I have been seeing all their pics of their house covered in snow.

    That's so fun! Hope you have had a fun day!


