Tuesday, March 02, 2010

cleaning schedule

I love having a clean house, but I don't actually like cleaning the house.

I'm embarrassed to tell you how long my house goes without being cleaned. I straighten it often, but cleaning is a whole different story.

So in efforts to keep my house cleaner and not spend an entire Saturday cleaning house I'm going to make a cleaning schedule. Meal Planning works really well for me so hopefully a cleaning schedule will work for me too!

So here it is....

Meal Planning & Grocery Shopping

Monday: Clean the Kitchen

Tuesday: Dust & Windex Furniture

Wednesday: Clean the Bathrooms

Thursday: Clean the Floors

Friday: Vacuum

Saturday: Laundry

How do you keep your house clean? Do you clean it all in one day or do you have a cleaning schedule? Or are you one of those lucky people that has a house cleaner??


  1. Originally I was cleaning my house every saturday...I would spend hours doing it. I did like that the house was completely clean at the end of one day (it is less stressful to have a clean house). Last month though I decided that I wouild like to enjoy my Saturday and came up with a weekly cleaning schedule.

  2. Hello!
    I found your blog on Britni's....she is a longtime friend of mine from back home. You have an adorable blog, and I love all your recipes, decorating tips, and school stories! (I teach prek)My blog is thesuttlesfamily.blogspot.com
    I'm not the best at always posting, but I'm a good "stalker" of other blogs ;)

  3. good idea - I'm inspired.....bring on the floors!!!!!!!!
